Training course

At the heart of our product offering is our online course Hunting Safely with Gun Dogs in the Upland Field which is broken down into 14 modules:

  1. Introduction
  2. Fundamentals of Risk Management
  3. Differences Between Shooting on a Range vs. Hunting/Shooting in the Field
  4. The Golden Rules of Firearm Safety
  5. Causes of Dogs and Hunters Being Shot While Hunting Upland Birds
    i. Equipment Causes
    ii. Material Causes
    iii. Environmental Causes
    iv. Process Causes
    v. People / Behavioral Causes
  6. Strategies to Mitigate Risk of Dogs and Hunters Being Shot
    I. Equipment Risk Mitigation Strategies
    II. Material Risk Mitigation Strategies
    III. Environmental Risk Mitigation Strategies
    IV. Process Risk Mitigation Strategies
    V. People / Behavioral Risk Mitigation Strategies

Click here or below to take a look at the 17-minute introduction to our flagship online course Hunting Safely with Gun Dogs in the Upland Field.

Safety Speech

Safety Speech for hunting groups to review before beginning their hunt. Includes many of the key point from our online course Hunting Safely with Gun Dogs in the Upland Field

Other Training Modules and Products

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